Our Climate Goals
Our carbon negative carpet tile, launched in 2020, changed everything for
Interface. We now know it’s possible to store more carbon than we emit. Now we
are challenging ourselves and others to become carbon negative,
enterprise-wide, without offsets, exceeding net zero requirements.
As we have in the past, we have set an incredibly bold and aggressive
ambition, and we’re charting a new path as we work to achieve it. While we
will build upon our past successes and lessons learned over the past three
decades, we are still defining new pathways, exploring new innovative
approaches and ideas, and will continue to collaborate and share with others
to accelerate our mutual progress.
2030 Science Based Targets
In 2021, Interface became the first flooring manufacturer to have a
third-party validated target from the
SBTi. Our emission reduction targets are in line with the ambitious goals of the
Paris Agreement, ensuring Interface is helping to keep the planet at a safe
global temperature.
We aim to achieve the following by 2030 from a 2019 base year:
- Reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions 50% on an absolute basis
Reduce absolute Scope 3 emissions from purchased goods and services 50%
- Reduce absolute business travel and employee commuting emissions 30%
2040 Carbon Negative Enterprise
By 2040, Interface aims to become carbon negative and, ultimately,
restorative. Our science-based targets represent an important halfway
milestone toward this goal.
Reducing Carbon Emissions
Interface is ‘all in’ on solving the climate crisis - with carbon reductions,
not offsets. Our carbon reduction plan is simple: Avoid, Reduce, Store,
Inspire. We continue to avoid, reduce, and store as much carbon as we can in
the manufacture of our products, our business operations, and our supply
chain. We continue to work on addressing the entire lifecycle of our products
– from the sourcing of raw materials through the end of life, and back again.
We also continue to inspire industry and partner with others to create a
ripple effect, accelerating collective action and positive impacts. It’s time
for us all to back up our words with investment in solutions that accelerate
carbon reduction and storage.
Detailed climate and emissions disclosures can be found in our latest annual CDP Climate response at the link below.
Interface previously used carbon offsets to support our Carbon Neutral Floors
program (2018 – April 2024) and Carbon Neutral Enterprise certification (2021
– April 2024). You can find detailed disclosures on those offsets